November 26, 2009
A Glad Heart

November 23, 2009
Debs de la Web

⋅ MyScoop online magazine caters to "fashionistas with a Southern drawl" and has just expanded into Mississippi!
⋅ Flower Magazine's "What Kind of Flower Are You Quiz" for those of us that didn't grow old of Seventeen quizes. I think I tossed my hair after getting Alabama's state flower--the camellia. Maybe. But as a joke.
⋅ A toungue-in-cheek post by Natalie Davis over at Alabama Political Parlor offers the inside scoop for AL politicos.
- 25% off retiring Vera Bradley patterns and free monograming on all Vera
- Free shipping over $100!

November 21, 2009
Boys Should Be Boys

November 20, 2009
Well, clutch-my-pearls...
November 19, 2009
My Twi-Style

November 17, 2009
Socialite-ing: My Favorite Things Event for Glenwood Autism

November 16, 2009
Best Seat in the House

My real-life sister always scores a date to see the AU tigers (I love you, K!)
Southern Football's Dating Game
Published in the Wall Street Journal on Friday, November 13, 2009
Each Sunday, Peyton Alsobrook, a 19-year-old freshman at Auburn University, gets together with his Alpha Tau Omega fraternity brothers to compare notes on the women they take on dates to Saturday football games.
Those who seem bored are eliminated from further consideration, he says, along with any who might talk too much during a close game "because they're from up North or something." As the all-important Alabama game approaches, Mr. Alsobrook says he's narrowed his list of potential dates to four. The winner, he says, will get a coveted ticket to the big game and, beyond that, special treatment that might include candy or even "actual flowers."
Out of Chaos Comes Order

November 13, 2009
Life, Liberty, and Pursuing Art History

November 11, 2009
Happy Homecoming!

November 10, 2009
Frugal Yet Fabulous

- Adorable boots to match any J. Crew outfit for $20? Yes, please.
- Free sample of Dunkin' Donuts Coffee? I'm an addict. Done.
- My best friends and I may or may not be fans of 12 a.m. Whataburger runs. I'm a vegetarian, but they'll love the hook-up for a free burger.
November 6, 2009
Put it in the Bag

November 4, 2009
Hi, Heels.

C'est parfait.