April 27, 2010

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?

1. To stop rolling my eyes that I've taken the Most Challenging/Hardest Job in America next year. (well, this is more of a prayer. I'm not a negative person. I just need to have more excited days than "Seriously, Ashlyn?" days.)
2. Time with my besties--stat.
3. Tickets to the Kentucky Derby this weekend.
3. Date night with Jason Derulo after his concert this weekend in Birmingham. In my head... (Kidding. Well, like 40% kidding.)
4. For school to stop interfering with my final college social-scene days.
5. God to challenge me even more than he's already allowed these past two months. Better be careful what you wish for, I know, I know... But if Isaiah 43 says when I'm in the middle of a river, the waters won't rush over me, then I have unflinching hope in Him that I'll be okay. I think I'm starting to get my sea legs (river legs?) anyway.

Now, everyone go download "Airplanes" by B.o.B., Eminem, and Hayley Williams. A trifecta of musicians, if you ask me.

Photo courtesy of Flickr

I could really use a wish right now:

1 comment:

  1. i just found this song on itunes last night and have been playing it non-stop ever since! definitely going to be one of my top 25 most played :)


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