May 17, 2011

It's gotta be the best love song she ever heard in her life.

Photo courtesy of Lexi Moody Photography.

Welp, I'm home from ATL.

And I promise Imma catch you up asap.

But I do have to bring your attention to one thing: It's another sermon series. This time by Andy Stanley out of North Point Community Church in Atlanta called "The New Rules of Love, Sex, and Dating." I'm pretty sure I want to blast the series on loud for our entire generation to hear, considering we took a divine design and shattered it by and large.

And you know me by now--ha, I don't ever post too many details of my life up here (and ESPECIALLY my dating life. "Hey handsome, so this has been fun, you don't mind if I blog about it for a few thousand readers, right?"), so I'm not going to like, give you details on what I learned or how I've been on the edge of my seat every Sunday.

But you should probably go listen to them. Before. You. Ever. Go. On. Another. Date.

One more thing--Before the sermon got geared up this past Sunday, the praise band pulls this stunt. Hysterical. It's 33 love songs rolled into one. I'm debating how weird it would be to mp3 this and load it on my iPod. I mean, I'd totally sing this on roadtrips, right?


  1. Thanks to your tweet about the series a couple of weeks ago, I'm hooked! And I totally agree everyone needs to hear it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I will watch this later on, thank you for the suggestion :-)

  4. This is an awesome series. It's one of the topics that I have been wishing and waiting Andy & North Point to cover for a long time and he has been knocking it out of the park... And the Love song was pretty amazing live. I was at Buckhead Church so I didn't see Todd Fields leading, but it was still amazing.

    - Kevin at The Trot Line

  5. Watched all three parts now and love it! Thanks for posting this link. I'm moving soon and looking forward to finding a new church home in TN. Next time I'm in GA I'm going to need to swing by this church.

  6. Been watching all week! This is incredible.


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